December 30, 2011



It seems like I have been super busy ever since the week before Thanksgiving.  
Let's recap, shall we?

The week before school broke for Thanksgiving weekend I had my senior review. eek!  I passed though.  :)  (Went so much better than last time!)

Then, Thanksgiving.  Oh now was that a nice vacation from the frantic, stressful, sleepless days preparing for senior review, or what!  Not to mention lots of good food.

The week of Friday December, 2: MIX&MAKE, my senior thesis show... annnnd it's done, don't feel like elaborating. haha

Following week, Saturday December 10.  Graduation!  My friends and I officially became alumni of Grand Valley State University.  Pink hair dye, new shoes, midnight shenanigans, good food, friends and family- it was a great end.

But alas! I wasn't done, exam week was AFTER graduation... why do they do that to us?? Anyway, it's done now and I can't remember much, but I'm sure I was bitter.  That weekend after "exam week" we had our first family Christmas on my Dad's side.  Food, fun, and silly presents... like Unicorn meat in a SPAM-esque container, containing ingredients such as sparkles, rainbows, magic dust, and a cut up unicorn stuffed animal (clearly jealous I didn't get that one).

Which, by the way, you can buy here, if you are so inclined.  Yes- I looked into it.

After that weekend, I returned to GR for some last minute-present-making and work-project-finishing, only to head back up north after a few days for CHRISTMAS!

Plastic gloves for staining... for this wooden bauble necklace I made my Mom.
We had our family Christmas, my Mom's side Christmas, watched lots of movies, ate good food, played fun games... so much goodness.  Not to mention, Steve Madden ultra mod black boots, a snazzy silver glasses case/clutch, moolah, some clothes, and a rather nice camera were the cherry on top of my Christmas sundae.

Hope yours was just as wonderful!

December 5, 2011

almost there

I survived!  I passed my senior review.  I had my senior show.  There are officially 2 days left until I walk at Commencement.  2 days left until I am an alumni of Grand Valley State University.  I'm so ready to be done.  I'm exhausted and burnt out.  I feel like I have overstayed my welcome here.  (It's only been 4 1/2 years, but I can tell it's time to move on.)  I've been so busy preparing for show, working on some big projects at work, and doing freelance on the side; I have never been more ready and excited for Christmas break.

Don't get me wrong, there will be many things that are missed, but thats a whole other post.

Here are a few photos from my senior show last Friday.

We had lots of delicious food, including my classmate's awesome cupcakes.

Participating in my project. :]
I have such wonderful friends.